Monday, March 2, 2009

General elections.
The up coming loksabha elections will be the face of upcoming young india.its up to the country to decied what face would we like to present to the world,a face which is secular and progressive or a unsecular one which brings in
Destruction .


  1. Face of India should be of youth PM i.e,Rahul Gandhi. Country will definitely go with UPA but its upto UPA to decide whom they want to make PM of India. I as a individual would like to see youth PM after the assasination of Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi. Its high time after him that we have seen any young PM. We are fedup of all the
    aged Politician.

    Aged politician just should be there to guide the young politician & not to rule the government. We want to see those who really wish to do something for people & should stand by the people in their issues.

    We hope to see the UPA to rule the government better than earlier & we also wish that they should look into the matter of common men security in terms of terrorist attacks like 26/11.

    I would personally like to request you to please take some neccesary step regarding resovling the issue of Reliance energy. The charges of the reliance energy electricity bills have increased from ground to sky at a very rapid speed. People are very much upset & effected by this. Common people's budget have shaken due to this.

    We hope to see a positive government in the nation.

  2. भाई साहेब सुना है आप भिवंडी से उतरने जा रहे है.छोटे भाई के लिए जो भी आदेश होगा बताइयेगा.वहा मारवाडी भरी संख्या मे है और हमारा अख़बार भी वहां खूब पढ़ा जाता है.मेरा भाई दिल्ली जाए,इसके लिए जो भी करना पड़ेगा,हम अपनी टीम के साथ तैयार हैं
    अरुण उपाध्याय

  3. our country needs leaders with fresh thinking of over all progressive mechanism in which all the groups of people are treated equally,without any sort of discrimination at any level.The country needs badly a bold, secular,progressive, unbiased and above all with a vision of a century in advance.This all can happen only when the educated youths can join the hands with our future leader "Rahul Gandhi" Munaf D Patel (N.S.U.I)

  4. श्री मान आमदार मुज़फ़्फ़र हूसेन साहब जी,
    आप की पहचान मीरा रोड की जनता मे मीरा रोड के विकास से होती है आप के नाम का अर्थ ही लोग मीरा रोड के विकास से ही लगाते है | आज कोई भी नेता मीरा रोड मे आकर कुछ भी बोले लेकिन जब विकास का नाम आता है तो आप ही का नाम आता है | मीरा रोड की जनता हमेशा आप की आभार ही मानती रहती है| क्योंकि मीरा रोड मे जो कुछ भी हुआ है वह आप का ही किया हुआ है आप के सिवा किसी ने कुछ भी नही किया है| जीत आप की सुनिसचीत है और मैं यह भी बता देना चाहता हूँ की सबकी जमानत जब्त भी होने वाली है हमें तो तब संतोष होगा जब आप मंत्री बनेगे | हम अभी से आप को बधाई देते है अपने सभी कार्यकर्ताओ की ओर से|
    आपका शुभचिंतक,
    तिलकराज यादव
    प्रेसीडेंट(वार्ड न०६२)

  5. janab Muzaffar Hussain Sahib,

    We, the resident of Naya Nagar is highly grateful to you for the down stair case of Skywalk towards Naya Nagar.

    Thanking you,

    M. ASLAM
